


1. 无人驾驶:柳工CLG6626E压路机采用无人驾驶技术,无需人工操作,大大提高施工效率和安全性。2. 高效性能:搭载先进的压实系统和专业的操控算法,能够实现高效的压实作业,提高施工速度和质量。3. 自动化功能:柳工CLG6626E压路机具备自动化功能,能够根据需要设置工作模式和参数,实现自动化操作,减少人为错误和疲劳。4. 数据共享和分析:压路机配备了数据采集和传输装置,可以将工作数据实时上传至云端,便于进行数据分析和施工管理。5. 环保节能:柳工CLG6626E压路机采用先进的动力系统和控制技术,能够实现低能耗和低排放,符合环保要求。6. 基础设施智能化:柳工CLG6626E压路机支持智能路面设施的建设,能够与其他智能设备进行联动,实现快速施工和自动化管理。7. 数据记录和回放:压路机具备数据记录和回放功能,可以记录施工过程中的关键数据,并进行回放和分析,有利于施工质量的评估和提升。8. 全天候作业:柳工CLG6626E压路机具备全天候作业能力,可以适应不同的气候和地域条件,提高作业的灵活性和适应性。

1. Driverless: LiuGong CLG6626E road roller adopts driverless technology, which eliminates the need for manual operation and greatly improves the construction efficiency and safety. 2. High-efficiency performance: Equipped with advanced compaction system and professional manipulation algorithm, it is able to realize high-efficiency compaction operation and improve the speed and quality of construction. 3. Automation function: LiuGong CLG6626E road roller is equipped with automation function, which is able to set the working mode and parameters according to the needs and realize automation operation. 4. Data sharing and analysis: LiuGong road roller is equipped with data collection and transmission device, which can upload the working data to the cloud in real time to facilitate data analysis and fatigue. 3. Automation function: LiuGong CLG6626E road roller is equipped with automation function, which can set the working mode and parameters according to the needs, realize automation operation and reduce human error and fatigue. 4. Data sharing and analysis: the road roller is equipped with data acquisition and transmission device, which can upload the working data to the cloud in real time, which is convenient for data analysis and construction management. 5. Environmental protection and energy saving: LiuGong CLG6626E road roller adopts the advanced power system and control technology, which can realize the low energy consumption and emission, and meet the requirements of environmental protection. 6. Intelligent infrastructure: LiuGong CLG6626E road roller supports the construction of intelligent pavement facilities, and can be linked with other intelligent equipment to realize rapid construction and automated management. 7. Data recording and playback: The road roller has data recording and playback functions, which can record key data in the process of construction and conduct playback and analysis, which is conducive to the assessment and enhancement of construction quality. 8. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 7 days a week. 9. All-weather operation: LiuGong CLG6626E road roller has all-weather operation capability, which can be adapted to different climatic and geographic conditions, and improve the flexibility and adaptability of operation.

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